Dirty Piggies

August 8
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It’s barefoot season!  Time to shed the shoes and let the cool grass tickle the toes!  Unfortunately, all that freedom makes for messy feet…and if you have carpet, rugs or furniture–dirty piggies are an unwelcome sight!  When my boys were toddlers we always had baby wipes handy at the door to swipe those dirty toes…I’m not sure why I stopped that handy habit!  Big dirty piggies are just as bad as little ones…maybe even worse!  With that in mind I decided to re-introduce the dirty piggies station by the back door…always ready to clean up those filthy toes (or fingers) after a hard day of summer play!

saving your home from summer soil…

a simple spot to clean up before entering

benchan old wire bin holds supplies

wire basketyou’ve probably got everything you need…

a box of wipes–(i sprayed mine gold for fun), towels, & a container for trash…

wipestowelstrash bin

you can make anything look cuter with a tag!

tagnow, a place to sit & clean those pigs!


with everything handy it’s a breeze to keep those feet squeaky clean and your house spotless…

well, almost spotless!

IMAG8091help keep those free-spirited feet happy…

and keep mom happy too!

bench by door(also works for four legged friends!)

…create a space to help clean

 those dirty piggies!


Giggle With Me!

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