Posie Planting!

June 2
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The weather has finally decided to cooperate around here giving us two weekends in a row that felt like summer!  I don’t know about you, but when the warmth sets in I’m ready for summer flowers–and there’s nothing quiet like colorful blooms to lift your spirits!  After the spring blossoms fade add a dash of happiness with some pretty pots of posies wherever you need a splash of color!

small pots filled with summer hues…

stacked in an iron plant stand–they easily add color to a walkway!

pots in stand

i love shades of red & white for summer…but use any combo that makes you smile!

pland stand

this plump ‘million bells’ just looks jolly!

red flowers

make sure to choose the right flowers for your spot…
a garden shop can help you pick so your
summer blooms will be a joy–not a chore!


always add some whimsy…
a tiny gnome peeking beneath the leaves or a
watering can for cut blooms mixes it up a bit!

garden gnomewater can

a fun & easy way to bring summer cheer to your outside spaces…
grab some containers and…


go plant some posies!


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