Set the Easter Table…

March 25
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Happy Good Friday everyone!  I can hardly believe that this is Easter weekend already…but the warmer temperatures have certainly disguised the fact that the holiday is early this year!  And since it’s been warm, I’m thrilled to now have my daffodils blooming a bit early too…which is a true indicator that it’s time to decorate my holiday table!  This is a task that I ALWAYS look forward to, and enjoy planning it almost as much as sitting around it!  So since the holiday is upon us, I’ll keep it short and sweet today…just focusing on a simple table to celebrate the joyous season!

gather ’round the table…

holidays are perfect occasions for family and friends to be together…and a wonderful opportunity to spruce up the tabletop!  i’m sticking with simplicity this year…but i still want to add some special touches–it is a holiday after all!  and when i think about springtime one image that comes to my mind is all the new, tiny greens you see popping on the bushes and trees!  i LOVE this short time when the silhouette of the branches is still visible behind them!  this was the inspiration for my table…green and natural!  so i picked up some small potted plants to mimic the look & color of those fresh, new leaves and popped them into some mint julep cups…


and for some Easter fun, i also grabbed some itty bitty plants and bunnies, both intended for fairy gardens…

bunny picks

i simply dropped them inside some egg cups to make mini planters for each place setting!

mini planters for place settings

i just had to cut the stem of the pick so it would fit in the tiny pot!  and when Easter is over…these guys will be ready to be planted in MY fairy garden!

mini planter

the plastic plates from Home Goods have been patiently waiting for Easter to finally arrive!

egg plates

and i just used a small pedestal piled with Easter grass and pretty eggs to make a simple centerpiece!  i like a shorter arrangement so not to obstruct the view across the table…it’s hard to have a meaningful conversation if you’ve got to dodge a tower of flowers to see your guests or family!

Easter eggs

and no fancy table linens at my house–i just used simple mats topped with our everyday dishes and the cute egg plates…

Easter place setting

i did haul out my cloth napkins, and for some more springtime color i topped them with vintage handkerchiefs!

old hankies with napkins

i love the dainty patterns…and how nice to have a pretty hanky handy!

vintage hankies with napkins

i’ve had this glass bunny candy container forever–and love to use it as a butter dish!

bunny dish

the table is filled with an ordinary collection of old and new, nothing expensive or elaborate…just simply springlike!

Easter table

and even though our gathering is smaller this year, it’s no less special!

Easter table

i can hardly wait to serve my holiday meal after all our festivities AND have another chance to linger at the Easter table…

Easter place setting

have a happy Easter everyone!

i wish you all a wonderful holiday…i will be back online April 4 as i take some time to spend with my family!  in the meantime, you can still find some sneak peeks on instagram!  see you soon…and get ready for some patio inspiration–it’s time to get outside!

Giggle With Me!

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