Summer Memories

September 1
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It’s Labor Day!  A long weekend of celebrating the final days of summer!  A much needed holiday to soak up the last festivities of all that summer represents…or an extra weekend day to work on those summer projects that took a back seat!  We’ve experienced some technical difficulties this past week as my computer decided to pick the first week of school to not work–so my family’s holiday was filled with trying to get back on line and also retrieve Giggle and personal data that may be gone forever.  But as my son tried to relieve my distress by telling me we could go back to all the places we visited and re-take all those wonderful photos, I realized that I needed a perspective check–in the end the memories are what matters and how thankful we all should be to have such lovely ones!  Therefore, our Giggle families are wishing that everyone ends their summer with the best memories of what the season holds!

a fond farewell to summer…

road signs to–wherever!

road signsroadside markets & orchards galore…

farm marketfarm market

strewn along the roadsides

charming markets and shops…

marketsfilled with summer’s bounty!

early applesflowers & jellymarket veggies

 it wouldn’t be summer without the farm stand!

farm standand these markets don’t just have garden freshness…how about sweet honey

honey…and salt water taffy!

now that’s some chewy summer sweetness!


another cherished summer scene…

beachtootsies in the sand as the sun sinks into the sea

flip flopssea side

 …a few of the things that summer is made of!

so hold tight to those memories as we enter into the beginnings of fall…

imageand say our farewells to summer!

 Have a wonderful Labor Day everyone!

Giggle With Me!

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