Tag: fun twist on an egg hunt

Egg “Pop”!

March 23

As my kids have grown I’ve tried to tweek our celebrations to fit their ages and current interests.  I’ve always been a big proponent of allowing my boys to be KIDS for as long as possible…you only get to do it once!  And as they grow, as kids tend to do, I will never stop the celebrations, the after school snacks, the crafting and baking…I just need to change it up and grow it up without loosing the youthful whimsy!  Even though they occasionally tease me…they certainly seem to be enjoying it!  I don’t believe I’ve ever had to FORCE them eat a special treat or to search for a clue leading them to a hidden holiday gift!  I want them to keep all those special memories…and the fact is that the older they are, the more vividly they may remember them!  So, as long as they’re in the house they’ll have those opportunities to just be kids!  Of course, there’s no stopping the growing up part…but I can certainly keep some of that childlike enthusiasm alive along the way!  This brings me to today’s post–it’s almost time to hide those Easter eggs…a tradition that we still keep at our house!  We don’t hide them outside anymore and we make the hunt much harder every year that they get older…sometimes so difficult that we find a stray egg or two several weeks later!  So this year I was trying to come up with something a bit different…and I think they’ll have a blast with this one!  I’d like to share with you a cute idea that would really be fun for kids of ALL ages…

put some “kaboom” in your egg hunt!