Tag: graduation party ideas

How to Create a Walking Taco Bar!

April 30

Do you love a walking taco?  It’s a popular snack in my house…and a treat that’s actually really easy to serve!  When you’ve got hungry boys coming around, a walking taco is not only a delicious, serve-yourself snack but it makes for easy cleanup too as you just toss the empty chip bag in the trash when you’re done!  So with this grab-and-go idea in mind, I decided to create a walking taco bar as a fun way to serve up teen boys something special!  And even better?  I’ve partnered with Grand Rapids Popcorn to bring you some tasty additions to a savory snack table!  What could be better than tacos, popcorn, and pizza on a table fit to satisfy hunger…AND the cravings of popular snack foods!  The idea can be perfect for game day celebrations, birthday parties, and even graduation…which shockingly is upon us already!  So if you have something to celebrate…check out the snack time fun!

walking tacos, popcorn, & pizza…oh boy!

6th Grade Graduation!

June 17
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My son recently graduated from the six grade! At our elementary school, the sixth graders leave with a graduation ceremony and party…to celebrate their achievements and the exciting new world that they will enter into…Junior High! The party has been a tradition for years…put on by many parent-run committees working hard to make this a festive evening for sure! Guess what? I happened to be on the decorating committee with a bunch of fun and creative girls! (and a couple guys!–we can’t forget the dads who helped too!) We started planning the festivities a couple of months ago after the classrooms voted on their theme and slogan…this year’s winner: Lights, Camera, Action–2021 is the Main Attraction! A fun theme to work around…so have a peek at this festive production!

see the main attraction…