Tag: Pink flamingo party theme

Hen Party

June 20
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My family and I have been trying hard over the last year or so to make a point to have small groups of friends in as often as we can!  Everyone is so busy these days it’s practically impossible to see all the people we love to spend time with…and while the timing doesn’t always work for everyone, we’re going to keep right on trying until we’ve gotten to everyone!  So during a week when my husband was traveling I decided to open the doors again…but for girls only this time!  Not only did it provide me with a perfect opportunity to see some of my pals for some girl-time but also allowed me to decorate the patio with a color I don’t get to use often…PINK!  Living in a house full of boys isn’t conducive to decorating with girly colors…even though I find ways to sneak some in from time to time!  But an all out Pepto Bismol fest just doesn’t happen around here…until recently!  So, needless to say, I had a little fun.  Have a peek at my summer inspired, pink and girly gathering!

when the rooster’s away the hens will play!