Tag: St. Patrick’s day snack mix

St. Patrick’s Day Snack “Parfaits”

March 3
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St. Patrick’s Day snack “parfaits” are a savory alternative to serve to your leprechauns this holiday!  Now that March is here all the shenanigans are getting underway…but celebrating doesn’t have to be hard!  Each year I try to come up with a few ideas for St. Paddy’s day fun.  Cupcakes, soda bread, krispie treats are all goodies we’ve indulged on during the days leading up to the 17th!  I’m sure I’ll still serve up some sugar…but I thought I’d try a new twist this year!  I hope you love this SUPER easy snack idea and a festive way to dish it up!  Keeping it simple & savory today…

snack “parfaits” for a lucky holiday!