Tag: summer desserts

Cinnamon Ice Cream!

August 22

Cinnamon ice cream is one of my family’s favorite summertime treats!  Actually, we often make this indulgent recipe throughout the year…and since cinnamon is the main flavor, it’s wonderful to serve during autumn AND the holidays too!  The inspiration for this yummy dessert was sparked after sampling something similar in an ice cream parlor in Indiana.  It was a favorite place for my mom to go when she was a kid, and it’s still operating today!  Because this shop is so far away, we concocted our own version to make whenever we got the craving!  Today I’d like to share this easy recipe with you…and also a sweet way to serve it!  Summer might be winding down, but there’s always room for ice cream!

we all scream for cinnamon ice cream!

Banana Split Dessert Ideas!

June 14

National Banana Split Day was last Friday but if you missed it, not to worry…summer is here and that means we can enjoy the sweet and chilly treat all season long!  Last week I partnered with Grand Rapids Popcorn to share some banana split inspiration to celebrate the national day.  It was so much fun that I thought I’d monkey around a little more and keep going with the yummy theme!  I’m so ready for summertime fun and it seems like now that school is out we’re actually busier than before.  Not sure how this is happening but it makes family celebrations even more special!  I’d love to share these easy treat ideas for big parties or just for making simple summertime memories!  So keeping it short and sweet today…let’s go bananas!

put a twist on the banana split!